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Katie MACK
Das Ende von allem
Astrophysikalisch betrachtet
2021, Piper, 272 Seiten. € 22,70
Die deutsche Übersetzung erscheint am 1.9.2021.
Original: The End of Everything. Astrophysically Speaking, € 10,00
Als Einstimmung in die dunkle Jahreszeit scheint Katie Macks neues Buch gut geeignet. Wenn der Urknall zu Beginn stand – was steht dann am Ende? Katie Mack zeigt, was sich die Wissenschaft darüber heute so vorstellt.
Epoch II takes us on a second cosmic voyage to explore the realms that exist outside the current day theories of space travel and reality.
To optimize your viewing experience, Epoch II is best experienced with a full screen, no artificial light intrusion, ample sound equipment, and an open mind free of predictions or expectations in order to allow the film to guide you on its expedition and take you to another place entirely. Enjoy the journey. See you on the other side.
For more information and an in-depth breakdown please visit altcinc.com
A Film by – Ash Thorp
Score + Sound Design – Simone “Aeph” Vallecorsa
Score + Sound Design – Yuta Endo
Fluid Cinematography – The Joelsons